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The Tri-County Choral Society will present its Spring Concert “Hot Pop and Cool Country” featuring locally grown talent Amber Carrington. Amber is an up and coming country music star who rose to fame on NBC’s “The Voice” as a semi-finalist.  She graduated from Rockwall High School and has been singing her way to the top of charts.  Currently living in Nashville, this singer/songwriter is coming “home" to share her success and talent on our stage.  A three time performer at The Grand Ole Opry, it is an honor for us to present her music.

The Tri-County Choral Society is directed by Amy McLeroy and accompanied by Mark Parker.  We are a group of 40 plus singers from the community who meet each Tuesday night to sing and fellowship.  Our mission is “To provide an outlet for professional and amateur musicians to share a love of music and singing in communion with others and promote the benefits of the arts to our community.”

Don’t miss this opportunity to support your friends and neighbors.  It promises to be an evening to remember.

Pre-sale tickets are $10.00 and $15.00 at the door for adults

Pre-sale tickets are $7.00 and $10.00 at the door for children ages 5 - 12

Children 4 and under are free


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